Friday, September 12, 2008

Scratchboard Art wins Award at Kirstenbosch Exhibition

Scraperboard art is an interesting art form. The image is scratched into the medium, rather than painted on in the traditional manner. The medium itself consists of a sheet of board, which is coated with white chalk (clay). It is then sprayed (overlaid) with a matt black ink.

To create the image, the artist uses a sharp, (usually arrow-shaped) metal instrument, to scratch away the black surface and reveal the white area. The medium allows for intricate detail, sharp contrast, and a wide range of textures. Depending on the intent of the artist, several areas may be cleared out for layering with watercolours, airbrush or acrylics. These layers are then scratched off one by one to create different shades of colour that blend into and highlight certain parts of the image. This technique can yield an image that appears remarkably lifelike.

From the 9th of September, the artist, Solly Gutman, who lives in Cape Town will be exhibiting at the Kirstenbosch Biennale which is an exhibition of botanical art focusing on flora indigenous to Southern Africa where selected artists from South African and abroad will be exhibiting. It is the 2nd time that Solly has been invited to exhibit and we are hoping that it will introduce people to the Scraperboard/Scratchboard medium.

The artist commenced working in the Scraperboard medium in 1968, and this has remained his exclusive medium. Solly Gutman has a love of early Cape Town & the surrounding areas and he has previously done work for the Robben Island Group and held numerous exhibitions around Cape Town. You can find out more about this medium on the following website -

Source: SanePR

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